Saturday, November 17, 2007

On the way .. back to Happy Days

Can I ever forget that day?!
Around 3.30 in the afternoon, I was on my way back home from music class. Three long hours of music practice, I was elated. Still humming the tunes on the way back on my sweetheart scooty, it started drizzling, as if to add to my excitement. Only I know how happy I was! I would have probably jumped and played in the rain water on the road if no one was around! I had lost myself in that euphoria - music, scooty and rains.
Now I recollect those moments and wonder - Did I really relish those small pleasures so much back then.

Another day I remember, a kid in a grocery shop smiled at me and tried to hold my fingers. My face brightened up and the joy lingered on for many days.
I look back and again wonder - it was so trivial yet that moment's happiness has lasted so long.

Where am I lost these days? I dont seem to 'feel' that happiness for anything nowadays. Life was at its best when it was simple and little things made be immensely happy. What am I chasing these days? Can I 'try' being happy on little pleasures again, or have I lost that lucky charm with the vicissitudes of life?!

All this realization happened to me when I saw the video of "Main agar kahoon" from OSO. In the song, she knows that everything around is fabricated by him. They spend a wonderful time together enjoying in simple ways; A perfect date with the loved one, need not be necessarily in Swiss or Mauritius. Happiness is in just "being happy" in simple ways for simple things.

Its time I change myself back to how I was those days, laughing and giggling on smallest of the small things. Time to make my life beautiful again! :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

What magic mommy

Sunday morning, and I was still slugging in my bed.

The previous night, me and my sister had messed up the drawing hall, trying to arrange the dolls for this year's 'Dasara Doll Show'. We had just started arranging when some movie started playing on the tv. Both movie buffs, left the drawing hall in a total messy state and ended up enjoying the movie. Not even bothering to pile up the things in one corner, we left the place as it was and went to sleep.

It was morning soon for pappa. He woke up only to get disgusted to find our home looking like hell. As expected, we both woke up on pappa's bitter scoldings. So silly it would sound but yes, the three of us remained cross with each other, not speaking till mom woke up. Mom wasnt aware of the "fight" between us; She was not keeping well and had slept off early last night. By the time she woke up, we had cleared up the mess, and home looked 'home' again. But, probably our silence was evident and she sensed that something was wrong. She did nothing, spoke to all of us like usual. Thats it. Some magic had worked and we were all back fine.

Now when I retrospect, I feel mom was the reason for our "fight". Last evening when we sisters wanted to arrange and had asked for ideas, mom had coldly said 'do as you wish'. We werent enthused enough to kickstart the whole thing and movie was just the right escape we needed for ourselves. In the morning again, the messy state was the rightly needed reason for pappa to vent out his displeasure on mom not being lively and cheerful for a couple of hours. Everything was back in place when mom got up and came smiling to us!!

Moms are the best. Its all perfect when mom is around. Everything goes haywire when mom is not in her usual spirits. Moms are like some communication links which never break down, should never breakdown i can say! The best thing is, anytime any other links fail moms' restore it with so much of ease. Just a few times, you expect her to understand some feelings in you, if she fails, thats when it hurts the most.

Nonetheless, mommys are God's best creations ever :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

If a child lives with ...

If a child lives with criticism,
he learns to condemn.

If a child lives with hostility,
he learns to fight.

If a child lives with ridicule,
he learns to be shy.

If a child lives with fear,
he learns to be apprehensive.

If a child lives with pity,
he learns to feel sorry for himself.

If a child lives with shame,
he learns to feel guilty.


If a child lives with tolerance,
he learns to be patient.

If a child lives with encouragement,
he learns to be confident.

If a child lives with praise,
he learns to be appreciative.

If a child lives with fairness,
he learns justice.

If a child lives with acceptance,
he learns to love.

If a child lives with honesty,
he learns what truth is.

If a child lives with recognition,
he learns to have a goal.

If a child lives with security,
he learns to have faith in himself and those about him.

If a child lives with love,
he learns this world is a wonderful place to live in.

by Dorothy Law Nolte

. . . . .

Beautifully said, couldn't agree more with this!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

How true

Why do we realise it more when we are on a low?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Friday, August 3, 2007

Saying its best!

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
Why does your smile brighten up someone so much ?!
There’s a truth in your eyes sayin’ you’ll never leave me
What if this truth deserts you one day ?!
The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall
What is so powerful in someone's touch ?!
You say it best when you say nothing at all
Can the hearts resonate among themselves, wholly, so much ?!

You say it best when you say nothing at all;
but is it best when you say nothing at all even when its decisive time ?!

Probably it is! ..
....... because its one master composition!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Food for thought

Long back (so long back that I cant even recall how long back), we had been for a team lunch to a restaurant 'IndiJoe' on Airport Road. The ambience was welcoming; eating place wasnt! It was herded. We were lucky though. A few tables were reserved in advance for our team, so managed to make ourselves comfortable in the crowded dining place.

It was perfect time for lunching. A plethora of dainties, waiting to be picked up by us, and absolutely for us!

Long queue, even we were there, becoming impatient, unable to resist the temptation of mouth watering victuals.

This thing caught my eye - a watermelon, neatly cut like a rose! Wow! What a beauty it was!

Amazingly intricate art! Have a look at it.

All the while I was looking for some aperitif. Sweet corn soup is my all time favorite. Alas! didnt find any hors d'oeuvre except for raw vegetables and fruits, all dressed up and arranged neatly. A variety of dishes to be had, but how unlikely of it, I ate nothing but only dessert that day. No regrets at all because I enjoyed it more than anything else, more than any other day.

It was surprising to find so many trenchermen out there. All devoted one hundred percent to completely justify their time and amount spent. It seemed like their only aim in life was to become Ambrosias of present world! To be honest, I really admire such gastronomes. Elders say that its only when you relish the viands that they actually turn out good, in fact best for your body.

Be it a gauche tavern or a brasserie, comestibles are to be eaten with a happy frame of mind. If I remember right, this was the idea propagated by Mc Donald's initially.
By the way, is there anyone who doesnt pine to have a quick bite of hamburgers or sausages at McD? Hey! I would prefer potato wedges and coke floats at McD any day.

This reminds me of the alfresco parties during New year receptions. The bon fires late in the night, barbecuing capon or bacon or steak with the skewers, loud music, non stop dancing, well, all possible ways one can think of to welcome the New year with a bang.

My way of welcoming the new year - in the sit-out enjoying the rain (if it rains ofcourse :P ), listening to music, munching favorite delicatessen, chit chatting and spending quality time with family and friends.

Any party, any celebrations done in whatever way, the bottom line is always 'Be Happy Anyway'! Eat, enjoy, be merry.

Isn't fun and frolic all about food, or is it?!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dance, What an art!

Dance, What an art!

The graceful swaying of the body, the beautiful eyes expressing a whole array of emotions, the delicate movements of the fingers, the rhythmic tapping of the feet, perfectly inline with the background music - all these make me go bonkers about it, just 'Wow'!

How I wish I could dance so gracefully!
Dance is one art which I have always appreciated. But, the desire to become a dancer myself is still a dream close to heart, and will remain one forever. I would rather appreciate people dancing than starting to dance myself :)

I strongly feel that any art is an innate talent, God's gift, and excels only when nurtured and nourished well.

Children should be exposed to all forms of art very early in their childhood. After a certain age inhibitions creep in leading to suppressions of the inborn talent.

Recently I happened to watch a baby girl, around 4 years of age, performing a contemporary dance drama. Oh! she was perfection personified! Audience was awestruck. The theme of the play tried to bring out the effusive emotions in a mother-child relationship and the contentment in motherhood. All throughout I was engrossed in watching the acrobatic moves of the baby girl. She was at her best. Only a prodigy can perform so well, given her age and the intricate expressions that were needed to bring out the abstract theme.

No prejudices, but I am more attracted to watch young delicate girls dancing.

Remember Ayesha Takia in the movie 'Dor'?! Of late, whenever I think of delicate girls' dancing I am reminded of the clip in this movie, in which she spontaneously dances for a hindi movie song in front of her husband, for him and just for him. She dances happily and freely, trying to indicate the strength and closeness of their relationship. Lucky is that man!

Let me recall one more similar clip from 'Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam', where Aishwarya Rai yields to Ajay Devgan's request to dance with him in a small club party. The small dance helped bridge the gap between them in the movie. Yeah, that was all in the movie! But anyway, Dance has its own powers.

It is a divine form of art. Mythological stories say that even Gods loved dancing. Lord Nataraja is considered the God of dances. Havent we noticed his idol adorned in all theatres set for classical dances?!
Oh yes! Classical dances have got me spellbound everytime. It is amazing to see the dancers express devotion in their eyes and body language with highest level of unparalleled excellence.

Dance shares an unbreakable bond with music. For us, music is the rythmic, well-set sound of instruments or vocals. But, even nature is music. The sound of rain, the zephyr after rain, is all music for natural dancers like the peacocks.

There can be no dancing without music.

While music is more of a anytime-anywhere kind of art, Dance is slightly limiting. Am I categorically concluding here?
I can hum my favorite tunes anywhere without really bothering of the people around me, but I cannot really start dancing anywhere and everywhere :)

Whatever it is, Dance is one of the best artistic forms of nonverbal expressions. Not all are blessed to become best of the dancers. Nevertheless, most of us are fortunate to definitely enjoy and appreciate it.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Expressing a few deep reflections!

Why did God create friends?
Is it because he wanted to give us a feel of the heaven on earth? What makes life so special when you have a closest one with whom you can share absolutely anything and everything that crosses your mind? I guess the answer is in my question itself!
Celebrate friendship! I'm so glad I am!

Rarely, life unveils itself to me fold by fold. Every such time why does it give me the 'I am at peace' feeling?
What is the game of life?!

'Nature', 'Green', 'Water', 'Leaves', 'Colors', 'Bangles', 'Balloons', 'Kids', 'Rain' - just one thought of these and I would have re-lived my life that moment.
Is life all about Colors and Bangles and Nature?
Hope not!
Then, why do these simple things give me so much of instant happiness?
What is the instant happiness mantra?!

Music is Love!
Music is pain too.
Anyway, Music touches my heart. It is Power!
While it boosts up my energy level so much to take me to a different world altogether, it also pulls me down badly and takes away everything at times.
Music plays a joke with me?!

The last reflection!
Why am I so excited that my first blog is atlast here ??!! :)