Saturday, November 17, 2007

On the way .. back to Happy Days

Can I ever forget that day?!
Around 3.30 in the afternoon, I was on my way back home from music class. Three long hours of music practice, I was elated. Still humming the tunes on the way back on my sweetheart scooty, it started drizzling, as if to add to my excitement. Only I know how happy I was! I would have probably jumped and played in the rain water on the road if no one was around! I had lost myself in that euphoria - music, scooty and rains.
Now I recollect those moments and wonder - Did I really relish those small pleasures so much back then.

Another day I remember, a kid in a grocery shop smiled at me and tried to hold my fingers. My face brightened up and the joy lingered on for many days.
I look back and again wonder - it was so trivial yet that moment's happiness has lasted so long.

Where am I lost these days? I dont seem to 'feel' that happiness for anything nowadays. Life was at its best when it was simple and little things made be immensely happy. What am I chasing these days? Can I 'try' being happy on little pleasures again, or have I lost that lucky charm with the vicissitudes of life?!

All this realization happened to me when I saw the video of "Main agar kahoon" from OSO. In the song, she knows that everything around is fabricated by him. They spend a wonderful time together enjoying in simple ways; A perfect date with the loved one, need not be necessarily in Swiss or Mauritius. Happiness is in just "being happy" in simple ways for simple things.

Its time I change myself back to how I was those days, laughing and giggling on smallest of the small things. Time to make my life beautiful again! :)

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