Friday, September 5, 2008

Can smiles ever make you feel wierd?!

Recently we had a new-employee orientation program at office. A couple of new joinees from different teams attended the program. All of us were shuffled into 3 groups and were given some team activities. Our group's activity was to list down points for the topic - 'what basic etiquettes do you need to follow in office to maintain good inter-personal relations'.

Each of us in the group were supposed to contribute one point. My point was to give a curtsy smile whenever we cross each other, as this is a very basic friendly gesture expected.

There was one person in my group, a manager of another team who sits in the same wing as mine. We have crossed each other many times, even before this program. Infact some product teams including ours had gone out for team lunch sometime back, and some of us were dropped to the restaurant by this person in his car. I have never interacted with him, hence was not even showing any signs of familiarity anytime I went past him. Neither did he ever.

With this background, let me continue.

After I mentioned my point about giving a friendly smile to colleagues, he laughed out loud, as if indicating to me that we never did though both of us were familiar faces to each other.

Anyway, the program was over and next day we were back in office. Again, we happened to go cross each other. This time too we walked past as if strangers. Neither him nor me bothered to smile. This happened for next 2 or 3 days. The 4th day, I felt since it was my point to give a curtsy, friendly smile, let me follow my words. I smiled at him as if saying hi, and he gave a
broooaaaad smile. I felt kinda wierd, yet was happy that my gesture was reciprocated, and that the friendly gesture started from my end. From then on, whenever we see each other we exchange short smiles.

Isnt it wierd that even a smile can sometimes make you feel embarassed or odd?! Till this incident happened, I always thought smile spreads only positive waves. But, I now have the realization that smiles can be many-a-time wierd too!

errata:: it is weird, and not wierd, everywhere!


Sunil said...

Go check the spelling of "Weird".

Yup. i found it weird too. I always thought it was spelt as wIErd.

Am Not Alone !!!!

have you You Read this Post anytime ?!

Sunil said...

i just noticed the date the other blog was posted.

Freakishly weird !!

Preeti said...

yup.. thanks.. it is indeed weird!! i always thought it to be wierd !! which is again weird :P

and this is crazyyy!!!!!!!!!!! how on earth did i post a blog smiliar to yours, on the same date?!?

Unknown said...

SMILE!!!!!!!!(click) ;))