Thursday, August 30, 2007

How true

Why do we realise it more when we are on a low?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Friday, August 3, 2007

Saying its best!

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
Why does your smile brighten up someone so much ?!
There’s a truth in your eyes sayin’ you’ll never leave me
What if this truth deserts you one day ?!
The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall
What is so powerful in someone's touch ?!
You say it best when you say nothing at all
Can the hearts resonate among themselves, wholly, so much ?!

You say it best when you say nothing at all;
but is it best when you say nothing at all even when its decisive time ?!

Probably it is! ..
....... because its one master composition!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Food for thought

Long back (so long back that I cant even recall how long back), we had been for a team lunch to a restaurant 'IndiJoe' on Airport Road. The ambience was welcoming; eating place wasnt! It was herded. We were lucky though. A few tables were reserved in advance for our team, so managed to make ourselves comfortable in the crowded dining place.

It was perfect time for lunching. A plethora of dainties, waiting to be picked up by us, and absolutely for us!

Long queue, even we were there, becoming impatient, unable to resist the temptation of mouth watering victuals.

This thing caught my eye - a watermelon, neatly cut like a rose! Wow! What a beauty it was!

Amazingly intricate art! Have a look at it.

All the while I was looking for some aperitif. Sweet corn soup is my all time favorite. Alas! didnt find any hors d'oeuvre except for raw vegetables and fruits, all dressed up and arranged neatly. A variety of dishes to be had, but how unlikely of it, I ate nothing but only dessert that day. No regrets at all because I enjoyed it more than anything else, more than any other day.

It was surprising to find so many trenchermen out there. All devoted one hundred percent to completely justify their time and amount spent. It seemed like their only aim in life was to become Ambrosias of present world! To be honest, I really admire such gastronomes. Elders say that its only when you relish the viands that they actually turn out good, in fact best for your body.

Be it a gauche tavern or a brasserie, comestibles are to be eaten with a happy frame of mind. If I remember right, this was the idea propagated by Mc Donald's initially.
By the way, is there anyone who doesnt pine to have a quick bite of hamburgers or sausages at McD? Hey! I would prefer potato wedges and coke floats at McD any day.

This reminds me of the alfresco parties during New year receptions. The bon fires late in the night, barbecuing capon or bacon or steak with the skewers, loud music, non stop dancing, well, all possible ways one can think of to welcome the New year with a bang.

My way of welcoming the new year - in the sit-out enjoying the rain (if it rains ofcourse :P ), listening to music, munching favorite delicatessen, chit chatting and spending quality time with family and friends.

Any party, any celebrations done in whatever way, the bottom line is always 'Be Happy Anyway'! Eat, enjoy, be merry.

Isn't fun and frolic all about food, or is it?!